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    Quzey Sweet Sunrise Embroidered Dress
    Quzey Sweet Sunrise Embroidered Dress
    AGHA NOOR – Sweet Sunrise $200.00

    The dazzling Sweet Sunrise Embroidered Dress is a stunning Pakistani dress that embodies the elegance and sophistication of traditional Desi attire. The dress is crafted from a beautiful peach-colored chiffon fabric that flows gracefully with every movement. The dress is heavily embroidered with intricate same-colored thread and dabka embroidery, creating a stunning texture that adds depth and dimension to the garment.


  • Quzey Sparkling Peach $175.00

    Quzey Sparkling Peach_Chiffon Dress features a delicate peach chiffon fabric that flows gracefully with every step. The intricate silver embroidery adds a touch of glamour and sophistication, while the sparkling details catch the light beautifully, making it perfect for any formal occasion.

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